合成繊維衣服の帯電性に関する衛生学的研究 : 第1報 人体皮膚及び繊維材料の摩擦帯電性並びに浮遊塵埃に対する吸引性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The static electricity and the electrification of human skin and textiles, and the effects of frictional electrification on the soiling of textiles by floating dusts were examined by the Rotary Static Tester of the Kyoto University Chemical Laboratory, and the following results were obtained.1) The static electricity of textiles fell in the following order:(+) Nylon, wool, silk, viscose rayon, cotton, acetate rayon, vinylon, tetoron, vonnel, kanekalon, teviron (-)2) Individual difference was recognized in the static electricity of human skin, spreading widely between wool and tetoron. Ninety-two (75.4%) out of 122 showed the order approximately similar to that of viscose rayon, cotton, and acetate rayon. There was no significant difference between both sexes.3) At friction of dead skin and textile, nylon showed the highest positive frictional electrification and teviron the highest negative. While, cotton and viscose rayon showed little electrification. Dead skin showed the electrification of the opposite sign to the textile. Since no difference between the static electricity of living and dead skin of animals was recognized, it was presumed that the similar tendency would be observed in human skin.4) There was a close relation between soiling by floating dusts and electrification of textiles. As synthetic fibers showed higher electrification than natural fibers, the former was more easily soiled than the latter.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- 合成繊維衣服の帯電性に関する衛生学的研究 : 第1報 人体皮膚及び繊維材料の摩擦帯電性並びに浮遊塵埃に対する吸引性について
- Hygienic studies on the electrostatic properties of synthetic fiber clothing:Report 2 The influence of soiling on the electrostatic phenomenon by friction