- 論文の詳細を見る
The center of the Koto plain, dealt with here, can be reached within 40-90 minutes by train from metropolitan such as Osaka, (population, over 2 millions) and Kyoto (population, over 1.2 million). In this district, the regional structure formed as a local center has been gradually weakened by the growth of these metropolises. In the region the author, for the purpose of study, and to get a better understanding of the present regional structure, tried to investigate the regional structure of towns of the Meiji era (1867-1912) before it was influenced by urbanization.The following results were obtained:1) The regional structure formed by towns had kept a comparatively good balance down to the appearance of railways in 1889.2) The structure was formed by the towns having a hierarchy of three types, these towns were united by the functions of retail sale service, the commercial dealings of farm products, etc. Hachiman, Hino, Yokaichi and Echigawa, belong to the highest class; they had formed four zones of life which had been completed.3) Structures were changed by the appearance of the railroads, and then various functions had a tendency to disperse, also, even in the farming villages. During the Meiji era, however, the regional order formed by the towns maintained its original condition. It was not until after World War I that these regions were influenced by great towns.
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- B. Gleitze: Ostdeutsche Wirtschaft-Industrielle Standort und volkswirt-schaftliche Kapazitäten des ungeteilten Deutschland. 239S. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1956.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- 交通と地域 (〔日本地理学会〕1975年秋季大会シンポジウム)