大都市地域における都市群の研究 : 米國の場合
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1. We might see that there is a close relation between the numbers of satellite cities and the population of metropolitan areas. That is: the population of metro politan areas which have more than 30 satellite cities is, in almost all cases, more than 500, 000, but when they have less than 500, 000 population, the number of satellite cities decrease decidedly.2. If we make concentric circles, every radius of which being 10km. from the city center, we can see three types of the distribution of satellite cities: (1) in the 1st type satellite cities are mostly seen in the first circle and (2) in the second type they are mostly seen in the second circle and (3) in the third type they are mostly seen in the third circle. As for the feature of their distribution to line-type, radius-type and plane-type can be seen. Land-form, the age in which they grew and paticularly the development of the communication facilities can be considered as the cause of these several types.3. In the formation of satellite cities we find two types: one is what has developed from the historical city which has a core in it, the other is what has grown to such without any historical traditions. The former is freguently is the interdependent relation with central city, while the latter is formed in the process of decentralization.4. Group cities are to be seen mostly in the Northeast. Its central cities are situated on a transportation center which have large hinterland or forland, and in the vicinity have an important productive areas. They are the center of industry as well as the center of economy.On the other hand group cities which have less than 20, have chiefly industrial function only. The funcion of satellite cities is dominantly industrial or domestic, and the other function is few. In conclusion, group cities are a great organic fabication which have metropolitan city as a center.
- 人文地理学会の論文