東シベリヤの乾燥タイガ : 氷期における東北アジアの復原的な一仮設
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Eastern Siberia maintains an unique position in Boreal Forest as deciduous coniferous forest. It adapts to the dry and cold winter climate, and Larix spruce represents its characteritics so well. Here, also, there is no evidence of continental glaciers in the past, but permanent tundra exists in place of glaciers. Its main part seems to us as the product of diluvial deposits. From many points of view, the condition of formation is contradictory between glacier and tundra. If the glacial period of diluvium corresponds with the growth period of tundra, both would have maintained their influential spheres separately, without changing their mutual geographical orientation. If each formation periods differ, permanent tundra would due much to the second inter glacier period. In either case, Eastern Siberia experienced no great change since diluvium, but most flourishing period of tundra formation would be coinside with spreading period of loess accumulation and inland basin in southern part of continent.
- 人文地理学会の論文
- 岡田謙著, 社会人類学の基本問題(社会学選書), 東京, 有斐閣, 1959, 162 頁
- 石田英一郎著, 文化人類学序説, 東京, 時潮社, 昭和 34 年 10 月, 218 頁
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- 東シベリヤの乾燥タイガ : 氷期における東北アジアの復原的な一仮設