- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, the number of intra-urban migrants accounts for 40 per cent of all domestic migrants. Despite the high incidence of mobility of this pattern, it has been relatively neglected. Changes in residential locations within urban area play an important role in altering urban systems and structure. Households change residence in response to changes in the urban environment and in the patterns of their daily lives.The purpose of this paper is to clarify the major factors which affect the intra-urban mobility in Kobe Metropolitan Area. The years of 1970 and 1975 were chosen for analysis and the step-wise multiple regression analysis was used.In this study, velocity of movement is selected as dependent variable. By eliminating the population size of origin and destination area, this measure can be interpreted as relative degree of intensity of movement stream. The independent variables are chosen in accordance with the framework of "Robson's city structure model" which consists of three dimensions-social space, housing space and physical space-. The chosen variables are as follows.Social Factors1. Related household member per household2. Ratio of white colorHousing Factors3. Residential land value4. Space of site5. Location of household-accessibility to CBD-6. Ratio of owned householdPhysical Factors7. Area of municipal park per inhabitant8. Numbers of inhabitant per criminal9. Ratio of commuter to Osaka prefecture10. Population densityOther Factors11. Time distance of migration12. Geographical distance of migrationThe analysis can thus be summarized as:(1) The independent variables proved useful in making estimation in case of centrifugal mobility, but centripetal mobility could not be estimated enough. This seems to indicate that centripetal mobility is affected by more complex or peculiar factors.(2) In case of centrifugal migraton, the velocity of movement was related to the housing factors. The relationships were significant on the 95 per cent level. (X3. X6)(3) People act upon environmental factors which are population density and area of municipal park per inhabitant.(4) The velocity of movement was related to the distance of migration, especially it was strongly influenced by geographical distance of migration. The relationships were significant on 95 per cent level in all cases. (Table 2)(5) Mobility, especially centrifugal mobility is touched by influence of Osaka prefecture.(6) Residual analysis shows that neighboring cases have high mobility in comparison with the other.
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