- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study is to consider the ideal methods of protection for the Panoramic Views, which are designated Cultural Properties, through the analysis of the following points: 1)The present status of protection given,from the view of the facilities’ management. 2)Other similar protection systems. 3)Case studies detailing the Panoramic Views` management and changes, before and after designation as Cultural Properties, to clarify the effectiveness of the protection system. From this, it was gathered that the Panoramic Views have been managed and maintained by additional protection systems and departments; it has not been solely under the control of Cultural Properties. Considering the findings above, the premise that Cultural Properties were providing the maintenance and management to protect these panoramic views, in terms of the protection under Cultural Properties law, has been found to be unproved. For the protection of the Panoramic Views to be effectively maintained, it is important to continue providing opportunities for local people and tourists to view these locations. However, designation as official Cultural Properties was helpful to create and realize an initial opportunity for protection. From this point onwards, in order to sustain the viewing opportunities, it is a requisite to protect the Panoramic Views for flexible use in conjunction with other protection systems.
羽生 冬佳
上村 さつき
黒田 乃生
黒田 乃生
羽生 冬佳
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