- 論文の詳細を見る
We set out a questionnaire to local residents on the approach to Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City for the purpose of the effective landscape improvement of the approach to temple in the central commercial area of temple town. First, we calculated the marginal willingness to pay to the policy of the landscape improvement by using choice-based conjoint analysis and considered the ideal method of the landscape improvement. Secondly, we considered the effect of landscape elements on landscape evaluation by analyzing the structure of landscape evaluation with covariance structure analysis. As a result, we obtained the following conclusions. Utility among local residents increased due to the minimization of signboards, regulation of building heights, increasing the number of trees along the streets, and prohibiting advertisement in bus shelters in improvements of the landscape along the approach to the temple. Residents had various reactions to the regulation of building heights. As well, it was considered that reducing the number of signboards met with general agreement. Reduction in the number of signboards and building height limits had the effect of raising the comprehensive landscape evaluation, while an increase in signage had the opposite effect.
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