固體反應の研究 (第1報) : 固體粉末反應研究用X線高温カメラの製作
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A new type of X-ray high temperature camera for the study of the chemical reaction in a solid state is described. This high temperature camera has the following advantages:(1) The specimen, which is pased around a platinum with any cementing materials, is heated to about. 1500°C by tde resistance heat of platinum wire for electric current. A platinum wire (0.2mm diameter) serves as a heater and a supporter of the specimen. The temperature of the platinum wire (also specimen) is derived from the displacement of diffraction lines of platinum on a film, by the calculation.(2) The blackening of the film by the radiant heat from a heater assembly does not occur without cooling devices of cassett and camera base.(3) The temperatures of the specimen are measured accurately even at about 1500°C as well as at ordinary temperature. The accuracy of the temperature measurement by the above method was determind by comparison with the result of dilatometric method (R. B. Sosman) for the thermal expansion of quartz
- 社団法人 日本セラミックス協会の論文
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- 固體反應の研究 (第1報) : 固體粉末反應研究用X線高温カメラの製作
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