直列形アクティブフィルタとLCフィルタの併用システム : 安定性と補償特性の検討
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A combined system of shunt passive and small rated series active filters has already been proposed by the authors. The operating principle and steady compensation characteristics have been presented also. The combined system can greatly reduce problems of using only shunt passive or shunt active filters and is suitable for harmonic compensation for large VA rated loads in power systems, because the required VA rating of the series active filter used here is considerably smaller than that of a conventional shunt active filter.In steady states, the combined system behaves like an ideal compensator, because the extraction of the harmonics easy. However, some loads such as cycloconverters fluctuate with rapid speed and cannot be regarded as steady loads. It is difficult for a conventional shunt passive filter to compensate for these fluctuating loads because they generate various frequency harmonics. So it is necessary to discuss transient compensation characteristics of the combined system when it is applied to compensation for fluctuating loads.In this paper, focusing on transient states, stability and compensation characteristics of the combined system are analyzed and discussed theoretically and experimentally in detail. The stable and unstable regions of the combined system and the problems faced by improving transient compensation characteristics are revealed. Then, to improve transient characteristics of the system, a new control method is proposed, and the validity is experimentally demonstrated.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
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