生体内に於ける無機成分の研究(第3報) : 対数遮光廻転板を使用する生体内無機成分の一斉分光分析について
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The inorganic ccnstituents in biological materials are so small in content and their relative contents differ so much that although their (simultaneous) determination had been desired such was found difficult by the ordinary spectralanalysis. The writers attempted a spectrochemical analysis using a logarithmic sector disc and examined analytical conditions for the determination of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, B, Al, and Mn. The spectrograph used was the Zeiss Q. U. 24. The sample was reduced to ash with fuming nitric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide, derived to a chloride, and placed on an auxiliary electrode of copper. This was excited by continuous arc of 4A, 150V, D, C, for one minute, the paralleled light entering the slit was shielded by a logarithmic sector disc, and record the spectra on the Fuji Al dry plate. The plate was developed by D76 developer and the length of the spectral line was measured under a projector. Nickel was preliminarily added to the sample to be measured as an internal standard. A linear quantitative curve was obtained with each pair of lines as to the relationship between the difference of line length and logarithm of concentration, within a specific concentration range. The analyses were carried out with the brain, liver. heart, kidney, muscle, and lung of five cases of normal rabbit and it was found that a (simultan eous) determination of Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Fe was possible.