- 論文の詳細を見る
Three dimensional topographic images of optical grating surfaces have been obtained from a high resolution STM. The STM works in the air without touching surfaces. The shape of the STM image differs from that of real surface in some respects and this is due to the finite radius of curvature, <I>R</I>, of the pointed probe tip.With the aid of reference figures each of which shows the resultant shape of the image (depending on <I>R</I>) corresponding to a real surface having a certain set of values of blaze angle, θ, and apex angle, φ, we can estimate, conversely, values θ and φ, in addition to <I>R</I> of the tip used, from the image obtained. Thus, θ, φ and <I>R</I> values of gratings with line densities of 1, 200∼18, 000lines/mm have been measured with errors of less than 10%.
- 社団法人 日本分光学会の論文
- 「東の科学,西の科学」, 菅野礼司他著, 東方出版社
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