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A variety of organic halides including aryl and alkenyl halides are catalytically converted into α-keto amides in the presence of secondary amines and palladium catalyst. The scope and mechanism of the reaction are described in detail.
- 社団法人 有機合成化学協会の論文
山本 隆一
山本 明夫
Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
山本 明夫
小沢 文幸
- Catalytic Behavior of Cationic Hydridoruthenium(II) Complex, [RuH(NH_3)(PMe_3)_4]^+, in H_2-Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation of Imines
- Selective Oxidative Carbonylation of Amines to Oxamides and Ureas Catalyzed by Palladium Complexes
- Heck-type Benzylation of Olefins with Benzyl Trifluoroacetates
- Palladium Catalyzed Direct Conversion of Carboxylic Acids into Ketones with Organoboronic Acids Promoted by Anhydride Activators
- Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Ketones by Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Carboxylic Anhydrides with Organoboron Compounds
- General and Greener Route to Ketones by Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Conversion of Carboxylic Acids with Organoboronic Acids
- Direct Hydrogenation of Carboxylic Acids to Corresponding Aldehydes Catalyzed by Palladium Complexes
- Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl Ketones by Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Phenyl Trifluoroacetate with Organoboron Compounds
- 21世紀をリードする高分子研究21世紀の高分子合成-20世紀の回顧と展望-
- パラジウム錯体によるカルボン酸無水物の炭素-酸素結合活性化とその応用
- 日本化学会第 76 春季年会化学教育フォーラム挨拶(大学教育生の声, 化学教育フォーラム)
- Formation of a Palladalactone Complex by C-O Bond Cleavage of Diketene Promoted by a Zerovalent Palladium Complex
- Oxidative Addition of Aryl and Benzyl Trifluoroacetates to Zerovalent Palladium Complexes with Two Modes of C-O Bond Cleavage Processes
- Preparation of Acyl(carboxylato)bis(tertiary phosphine)palladium(II) Complexes by C-O Bond Cleavage of Carboxylic Anhydrides on Interaction with Palladium(0) Cpmplexes. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carboxylic Anhydrides to Aldehydes by Palladium Complexes
- 触媒活性種モデルとしての有機パラジウム錯体の合成と反応性
- Synthesis and Properties of Dimethyl- and Monomethylbis(phosphite)palladium(II) Complexes
- Removal of a Palladium-Bound Tertiary Phosphine Ligand with Silver(I) Salts to Generate Cationic Monoorganopalladium(II) Complexes Having One Trimethylphosphine Ligand
- Comparison of the Reactivities of Neutral and Cationic Organopalladium Complexes toward CO, Isocyanides, and Olefins
- Activation of C-O and C-N Bonds in Allylic Alcohols and Amines by Palladium Complexes Promoted by CO_2. Synthetic Applications to Allylation of Nucleophiles, Carbonylation, and Allylamine Disproportionation
- Palladium-Catalyzed Cleavage of P-C Bonds in Quaternary Phosphonium Salts and Its Applications to Organic Synthesis
- PA19 屈曲型液晶分子のネマチック相における二軸性の可能性(物理・物性)
- Direct Hydrogenation of Carboxylic Acids to Corresponding Aldehydes Catalyzed by Palladium Complexes in the Presence of Pivalic Anhydride
- Reactivities of Neutral and Cationic Organopalladium Complexes
- Preparation and Reactivities of Acyl(carboxylato)palladium Complexes
- Synthesis and Properties of Cationic Organopalladium Complexes. Remarkable Rate Enhancement in Olefin Insertion into the Palladium-Aryl Bond by the Generation of a Cationic Palladium Complex from trans-[PdBr(Ph)(PMe_3)_2]
- Synthesis and Properties of (η^3-1-Methylallyl)palladium(II) Formates as Models of Intermediates in the Palladium-Catalyzed Reductive Cleavate of Allylic Carboxylates and Carbonates with Formic Acid
- Molybdenum - and Tungsten - Catalyzed Allylation of Aromatic Compounds with Allylic Esters and Alcohols
- Preparation a Properties of n^3-Ally(halo)tris(trimethylphosphine)ruthenium(II) Complexes and Their Derivatives
- Facile Synthesis of α-Hydroxycarboxylic Acids by Ruthenium-Catalyzed Reduction of Diallyl α-Oxalylcarboxylates with Formic Acid
- Platinum-Catalyzed Bis-Germylation of Alkynes with Organodigermanes and Cyclic Oligogermanes
- 13aWE-6 非縮退共役高分子ポリチオフェン中のポーラロン波動関数(分子デバイス, 導電性高分子, 領域 7)
- 29pWN-8 ポリチオフェン及び立体規則性ポリアルキルチオフェン中のポーラロンのENDOR(導電性高分子)(領域7)
- 28pVD-10 ポリチオフェン薄膜における直流電圧印加下の電場変調分光(28pVD 領域5,領域7合同 光誘起相転移(電荷移動錯体・その他),領域5(光物性))
- 22aPS-97 ポリチオフェン薄膜における電場印加下のポーラロン吸収(22aPS 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 26pTF-13 平面性の高いポリチオフェン誘導体における光誘起ポーラロンのESR観測(TTF-TCNQ,中性イオン性転移高分子等,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- 多彩な電子・光機能をもつパイ共役高分子--その特性を生む有機金属合成法と応用
- 24aPS-96 電荷移動型共役系高分子の時間分解発光分光(領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 12pXD-10 ドナーアクセプター型共役系共重合高分子の非線形光学応答(顕微・近接場分光・低次元系, 領域 5)
- 30aPS-71 電荷移動型共役系高分子の励起準位構造(領域5ポスターセッション)(領域5)
- 22aTA-1 電荷移動型共役系高分子の光励起状態
- 29aYD-6 ポリチオフェン中のポーラロンの ENDOR
- 28pZH-8 電荷移動型共役系高分子における非線形光学応答
- 19pYG-8 共役高分子ポリチオフェン中のポーラロンのESR, ENDOR
- 側鎖にフェニルエチニル基をもつポリチオフェン誘導体の合成と物性
- ポリフルオレン系材料による高分子EL素子の発光特性の検討
- Kinetic Study on the Interactions of Cyclodextrins with Organic Phosphates and Thiophosphates
- フレキシブル有機TFT材料
- パイ共役導電性ポリマー
- 有機金属化学の基礎とパイ共役高分子 : 基礎化学から電子・光機能性高分子材料へ
- 組成制御されたポリピリジンの合成と物性評価
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- Ni-Promoted Syntheses of New 3, 3'-Dichloro-5, 5'-bipyrazoles and Poly(bipyrazole-5, 5'-diyl)s and Isolation of Nickel Complexes Relevant to the Syntheses
- Kinetic Study of Ligand Exchange Reactions of Bis(1, 5-cyclooctadiene)nickel(0) with 2, 2'-Bipyridine, 4, 4'-Dimethyl-2, 2'-bipyridine, and 4, 4', 5, 5'-Tetramethyl-2, 2'-bipyridine
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- 有機ニッケル,パラジウム,白金錯体--反応性と有機合成における役割 (「有機金属化学」ミニ特集)
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- 遷移金属錯体によるC-HおよびC-O結合の活性化酸化的付加と遷元的脱離
- 錯体触媒 (触媒調製法)
- NMR Spectroscopy on the Complexation of 3,6-Anhydro-β-cyclodextrin with 2,6-Naphthalenedicarboxylate Ion
- 可溶性ポリアリーレンエチニレン類の合成と物性
- Binding and Catalytic Properties of 2-O- and 3-O-Permethylated Cyclodextrins
- Direct Alkylation and Phenylation of 3, 8-Dibromo-1, 10-phenanthroline with Grignard Reagents
- Anisotropic Ring Current Effect of p-Nitrophenolate Ion Inclusion on the ^1H NMR Signals of the Pyridinio Derivatives of α-Cyclodextrin
- 1 : 2 Polycondensation of 3,3',4,4'-Biphenyltetramine and 1,1'-Ferrocenedimethanol Catalyzed by [RuCl_2(PPh_3)_3] to Give Polybenzimidazole Containing Ferrocenylene Groups
- Cyclodextrin Complexes of Bisepoxide and of α, ω-Diamine in Several Molar Ratios. Preparation and Characterization in the Solid State
- パラジウム錯体触媒による有機ハロゲン化物のダブルカルボニル化反応
- 有機ニッケル, パラジウム, 白金錯体 : 反応性と有機合成における役割
- 遷移金属錯体によるC-HおよびC-O結合の活性化酸化的付加と還元的脱離
- ポリマ-正極材料としての導電性高分子
- 研究と業績 π共役導電性高分子の発展--導電性ポリアセチレンを出発点として (特集 白川英樹博士の学問と創造性)
- 金属硫化物と配位化合物の接点
- Preparation of Soluble π-Conjugated Poly(5, 6-dialkoxy-1, 10-phenanthroline-3, 8-diyl)s. Their Stacking Behavior and Function as a π-Conjugated Polymer Ligand
- 共役ポリマーの新しい発展に向けて
- Retardation of the Molecular Rotation of p-Nitrophenolate Ion in the Cavity of a Positively Charged Derivative of α-Cyclodextrin by Electrostatic Interactions
- Thermodynamic Parameters for the Complexation of the Pyridinio Derivatives of Cyclodextrins with Some Inorganic Anions in D_2O Solution
- 高分子科学最近の進歩
- 高分子科学最近の進歩
- Determination of Binding Constants for Inclusion Complexes of Cyclodextrins with Organic Solvents, Ethylene Glycol, and Its Related Compounds by Means of H NMR Spectroscopy
- 化学合成による導電性薄膜 (機能性有機膜)