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To clarify the population structure of the wild haploid laver Porphyra yezoensis twelve isozyme loci were examined by starch gel electrophoresis. The allelic frequencies were calculated for 11 sites in a natural Tomarihama population. Fst value which measures genetic differentiation was 0.1252, indicating that the population structure of the wild Porphyra yezoensis has a remarkable tendency to consist of a number of patches.The proportion of polymorphic loci varied from 0.417 to 0.917 with a mean of 0.583 and heterozygosity over 12 loci varied from 0.123 to 0.344 with a mean of 0.197. The over all mean was similar to those obtained for diploid marine molluscs in which the population structure has a tendency to split into a number of subpopulations.Observed number of allelic combinations at one linkage group of Aat-Cat-Dia-Gpi-Mpi-6Pgd-G6pd loci was significantly lesser than the expected number. The results can be explained by clonal propagation of this haploid plant.
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