- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors have been studying on various regional planning problems which relate to civil engineering by means of systems analysis. Based on those studies in this paper the process of systems analysis of regional planning problem is defined as a process-system which has four different processes such as;(1) the process to make clear and identify the contents of planning problem, (2) the process to formulate necessary models for analysis of the structure of planning problem and to make effective information abridged through analysis aiming to identify the structure of planning problem, (3) the process to formulate system model for evaluation and integration to analize planning problem and to abridge as planning information, (4) the process to evaluate alternative plans and to select the most desirable plan, Also a cyclic procedure is defined for practical applciation to attain object of analizing the planning problem effectively.Based on these discussions several types of analysis and contemporary themes of regional planning problem related to civil engineering are reffered from the view point of systems analysis and several examples associating with them are shown as follows: The first example is the study on a methodology to establish the basic information about the social, economical and special structure of metropolitan district through systems analysis method. In this study persontrip flow, car traffic flow and commodity flow in the metropolitan district are analized by means of statistical method such as principal component technique at one cross section of time. And personal movement during a year among different regions and within metropolitan region are also analized by the various statistical method using behavior science approach.The second example is the study on the systems analysis of facility planning problem for flood control, and in this study two different approaches are implemented to each process (or phase) of systems analysis of planning problem.The first of them is for the process (2) stated above: The system simulation model of water flow of flood considering relations among the volume of water over-flowed, the types and scales of various facilities and the amount of damages by over-flowed water, then various kinds of experiment are designed and implemented using the simulation model. And a lot of output-data are analized by statistical methods to abrige them into effective information to the formulation of the system model for evaluation and integration to analize the planning problem.The second of them is for the process (3) stated above: Based on the abrdiged information given by the former process, the planning model is formulated as the system model for evaluation and integration to analize this planning problem. In this stage planning model is formulated as the min-max planning model using the linear programming, and various output-data of parametric analysis using planning model formulated before are abridged as effective planning information for the facility planning.
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