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There are two conceivable definitions of noise damage cost: equivalent variation (EV) and compensating variation (CV). From the theoretical viewpoint it can be said that EV is the better definition than CV because the former is a monotonical transformation of the utility function. There remains, however, an empirical question to what degree of disparities in their estimated values between EV and CV there are in the practical measurement works. On this matter the previous literature such as Willig showed the difference between them are at most 10% in the case of price changes. However there seems to be no consensus in the case of public goods such as noise as far as the author knows.In view of this present situation this study discusses the influence of the definition on the estimated value of noise damage cost both theoretically and empirically. In order to do so, first, this study formulates the two definitions of noise damage cost. Second it analyzes their qualitative characteristics on the order in magnitude for general case. Since their difference cannot be clarified from their theoretical analysis, next it specifies the functional forms of utility function into the linear, log-linear and CES. But even in this case the characteristics of this difference cannot be seen. Therefore it estimates the parameters of specified utility functions of these three types by using a pair comparison questionnaire. Using these estimation values, it calculates the values of EV and CV for various noise damage levels. From this empirical study it turns out that even in the case of CES type which generalizes the linear and loglinear forms in the sense that the latter two are expressed by the specified values of parameter of CES, the difference between EV and CV is at most 15%. Although 15% of disparity is a delicate value for the practical cost benefit analysis, this magnitude may be neglected because such an error could be covered by the sensitibity analysis. If so, we could assume that the utility function is linear. Consequently the values of EV and CV are identical, and the absolute values of the damage costs and the benefits are again identical. This conclusion is also helpful for cost benefit analysts in the sense that it simplifies their practical works.
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