貝類幼生の餌料としてのRhodomonas ovalis NYGAARDについて
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The present experiments were carried out to find suitable micro-organisms as foods for clam larvae, and thereby meet the demand. Among the five genera of algae used in the experiment, Rhodomonas ovalis of Cryptophyceae was found to be the best single food for the larvae of Scapharca suberenata LISCHKE. A mixture of Rhodomonas ovalis and Chromulina sp. (Chlorophyceae) also provided better growth of the larvae. Artificial medium and enriched sea water which promote the high growth rate of R. ovalis were prepared. Maximal growth of 5.8×106 cells/ml or dry weight 270mg/l was obtained in these media at 20°C, 3, 000 lux. A constant population density of a high level (1-2×106 cells/ml) was maintained by harvesting 40-60 per cent of the culture in the exponential phase every other day and by replenishing with an equal quantity of the new medium. The old culture (phase of declining relative growth rate) does not maintain the constant level, even if diluted to 1-2×106 cells/ml. The principle amino acids of R. ovalis are in general agreement with other reports1-3). Glutamic acid showed a comparatively high value. The essential amino acid index4) (EAA index) was observed to be 77.0.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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- 貝類幼生の餌料としてのRhodomonas ovalis NYGAARDについて
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