スルメイカの熟度に関する研究-I : 成熟状態数量化の一方法
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The maturity condition of piscivorous fishes have been expressed by gonad codition factors, gonad indices, maturity factors and other methods. Each of these methods can be used to express numerically the maturity condition from immature young to mature ones. But when they come in the spent stage, these methods can not be adapted for the reason that the numerical values show a decrease in this stage. The author recorded the weight variation of each genital organ according to the state of maturation and exhaustion, with samples of common squid, Todarodes pacificus STEENSTRUP, caught by angling in the southwestern Japan Sea in the period from July to November 1968. As consequence of the sampling and analyses, a method of expressing the maturity condition of the common squid by numerical values was developed. The several points are summarized as follows: 1. The relation between testis weight (tW) and Needhanis sac mass weight (NW) is tW > NW in the immature young, tW ?? NW at maturity, and tW < NW in the spent stage. In the case of females, the relationship between ovary weight (oW) and oviducts weight (odW), including the oviducal glands, is similar to that between tW and NW for the males (Figs. 1, 2 and 3). 2. From these relationships, it is possible to express the maturity condition numerically by NW/ (tW+NW) for the males, and by odW/ (oW+odW) for the females. These numerical values (M) are 0 < M < 0.5 in the immature young, M ?? 0.5 at maturity, and 0.5 < M < 1 in the spent stage (Figs. 4, 5 and 6, Table 1).
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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- スルメイカの熟度に関する研究-I : 成熟状態数量化の一方法
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