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Since the collapse of the bubble economy in Japan, cultural activities have been forced to slow down across the country, due to reduced public funding and diminishing private-sector donations. At the same time, the 21st century is often called an “age of arts and culture, ” whereas the unstable economic situation, as exemplified by growing employment insecurity, has been affecting peoples lives, not only economically but also spiritually and mentally. Under such circumstances, an increase has been noted in the number of cases in which artistic and cultural activities contribute to the spiritual and mental well being of local people, while also having a positive impact on community revitalization.In recognition of this, the present study analyzes 59 cases of cultural activities contributing to community revitalization across Japan, cases extracted via questionnaire surveys and other means. In many instances, such community cultural activities often take place at local community halls and similar cultural facilities. This study has succeeded in collecting considerably detailed data concerning the use of these facilities and the financial matters involved, including expenses required for the activities. Such data have never before been compiled or made publicly available on a national scale, even administrative surveys by the Agency of Cultural Affairs. Using such data, which reveal previously little known aspects, the study also examines possible future directions for community cultural activities
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