具類蛋白質の研究-II : ハマグリ筋肉低イオン強度抽出部のPaper-Electrophoresisによる分割(続)泳動濾紙による蛋白吸着の除去について
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In the previous report, paper-electrophoretic fractionation of clam-muscle extracts of low ionic strength have been described, but slowly running fractions overlaped with each other, except some special cases. For this phenomenon seemed to be due to adsorption by filter paper, so pretreatments of the filter paper by dilute ovalbumin solution to prevent the effect was found simplest and best. Then paper-electrophoretic analysis of clam muscle extracts were performed by using pretreated filter paper. These results were shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Table 2. As a result, proteins of clam muscle entracts of low ionic strength were separated into 7 fractions. Papar-electrophoretic diagram changed according to dialysing time of sample, viz, fractions on dialysing for 72 hrs., though it is not clear whether this separation of muscle protein comes from enzymic denaturation of muscle protein, denaturation of mucous protein co-exsisted or others. These results were shown in Fig. 5.
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