土地利用の混合 : 近接効果による土地利用の変化
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The remarkable aspect of urbanization in Japan is the rapid change of landuse, which is due to enlarging of urbanized area and renewing of city. The development of such change is almost never planned and is not uniformly and continuously carried out. It takes place in result that urban sprawl and residential, industrial, commerical and agricultural land are mixing everywhere. Most of Planners feel such phenomenon unpleasant and they have performed many plans to sweep out the disorder of land-use.Is it true that mixing of land-use is similar to disorder of land-use every time? The primary aim of this paper is to clarify the order in the mixing landuse. Secondary, it is designed to construct the simulation model for mixing landuse.Chi square tests are applied to show the mixing structures of land-use in Sapporo, Akita and Kashima at the first step. Some traits of mixing structures are clarified as the result of these tests. Consequently, it becomes sure that mixing is not similar to disorder. The spatial process, which results in mixing structures of land-use, is distinguished to three ingredients (Diffusion, Combination and Transition). Then, each of ingredients are formulized and synthesized as followings;Pij=probability of increase of ‘j’ th type of land-use in ‘i’ th compartment.lij=number of ‘j’ th type of land-use in ‘i’ th compartment.dij=probability of diffusion from ‘i’ th compartment to ‘j’ th compartment.cij=probability of combination of ‘i’ th type and ‘j’ th type of land-use.tij=probability of transition from ‘i’ th type to ‘j’ th type of land-use.m=number of compartments in observed area.n=number of categories of land-use.α, β, γ=parameter.Finally, the sum of increase by one step of change is distributed in proporition to Pij by means of Monte-Carlo simulation.
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