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A survey was conducted from July to December 1987 on primates inhabiting the Mt. Kahuzi, Masisi, Irangi and Itebero-Utu regions of Kivu District, Zaïre. Ten diurnal primate species were confirmed to survive in these regions based on direct observations, field signs and personal communications by Park Wardens or local people. The estimated densities of gorillas and chimpanzees were 0.83head/km2 and 0.91-1.1head/km2 respectively, in the Masisi region; and 0.27-0.32head/km2 and 0.27-0.33head/km2 respectively, in the Itebero-Utu region. Gorillas frequently used secondary regenerating forest, while chimpanzees used primary forest in both regions. Other primates have possibly become reduced and changed in their distributions in comparison with those reported previously. Colobus angolensis was not, and Cercopithecus l hoesti was rarely found in the 4 regions. Papio anubis invaded the bamboo zone of Mt. Kahuzi, and C. l hoesti and hamlyni had descended into the lowland forest. Deforestation, hunting pressures and other human distrurbances have recently increased in the Masisi, Irangi and Itebero-Utu regions. It was said that 9 primate species were raiding at least 12 high valued crops. Most of the primate species faced serious problems and were in danger of extinction in these 3 regions. Especially in Masisi, where the mountain slopes had been entirely cultivated, the primates ranged within several small forestry patches around the top of the mountains or in the valleys. Gorillas frequently appeared in farms or pastures, and a struggle between them and the local people had gradually increased. An immediate decision must be taken to separate the gorillas and their habitats completely from the human activities in Masisi. A conservation policy should be implemented urgently, incorporating local management plans. Present and future conservation projects are discussed, and several detailed recommendations are made in this paper.
山極 寿一
浜田 穣
湯本 貴和
Kyoto University
丸橋 珠樹
Musashi University
ンドゥンダ ムワンザ
Centre de Recherches en Science Naturelles