實驗的アレルギー性膵炎に關する研究 (續報)
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Four groups of normal dogs were sensitized in the following manner for this study. The first group was injected with an emulsion of the pancreatic islets of Bonsto, the second with horse serum, the third with an emulsion of horse pituitary glands, and the fourth with ACTH. These groups were reinjected with the same antigens into the following places:First group--pancreatic artery or pancreatic tissueSecond group--main pancreatic ductThird group--pancreatic and carotid arteriesFourth group--pancreatic arteryDogs with a chronic abscess formation of the subcutanous tissue or intra-articular cavities caused by Streptococcus hemolyticus or Streptococcus viridans, were injected with a suspension of the above heat-killed bacteria, or their filtrates into the main pancreatic duct or artery.Also, dogs with the same chronic abscess formation sensitized with horse serum, were injected again with the serum into the main pancreatic duct.Conclusion:(1) Through the whole group of experiments, there was a specific serofibrinous inflammation, which was considered a histological indication of phenomenon of Arthus in the pancreas. In addition, the abscess-formed dogs showed either the primary finding of rheumatoid nodules or the picture of fatty necrosis.(2) There were two possible types of allergic pancreatitis, the one was the slow formation of the rheumatoid nodular granulative tissue, and the other was the fatty necrosis, rapidly and diffusely involving the fatty tissue.(3) In general, allergic pancreatitis through the pancreatic duct was of a slighter degree than that through the artery. However, in abscess-formed dogs, there was a remarkable histological change in the pancreatitis through the pancreatic duct.(4) There was a close reiationship between the internal and external secretory portions of the pancreas. Although the emulsion of islets gave a selective reaction to a certain degree for the islet of Langerhans, there was no possibility of developing the specific inflammation localized only in the islet. There was, in addition, considerable parenchymal degeneration accompanied by interstitial reaction.(5) A correlation to a certain degree was observed among the pancreas, the pituitary gland and adrenal glands.(6) The presence of the focal infection gave growth to an allergic pancreatitis due to foreign protein, and also produced histological pictures similar to those of patients with various types of pancreatitis.Experimentally induced allergic pancreatitis.After sensitization of normal dog with the emulsion of Langerhans islets cells of the Bonito, reinjection of the same emulsion made into the pancreatic artery (5th day).Small necrotic foci in the pancreatic interstitium, formation of the granulation tissue consisting of acidophiles, polymorphonuclear leucocytes intermixed with fibrin, and formation of the partly organized thrombus seen. Also noted vacuole formation and basification of the gland cells. Haematoxylin-eosin stain X100.Experimentally induced allergie pancreatitis.After sensitization with the emulsion of Langherhans islets of the Bonito, the same emulsion reinjected into the pancreatic artery (5th day).Vacuole formation in Langerhans islets cells, or destruction of nuclei noted. No sign of regeneration. H. E. stain X900.Normal dog sensitized by the emulsion of Langherhans islets of the Bonito followed by reinjection of the same emlusion into the pancreatic tissue and ligation of the large pancreatic duct (5th day) X100.Marked proliferation of interstitial connective tissues, remarkable atrophy of the parenchyma.Experimentally induced allergic pancreatitis.After sensitization of normal dog with horse serum, reinjection of the serum made into the large pancreatic duct (after 48 hours).Desqualmation of the pancreatic ductepithelia, serous inflammation and cell infiltration around the duct, mainly by acidophiles and
- 社団法人 日本内科学会の論文