- 論文の詳細を見る
A 56-year-old woman had suffered from Hashimoto's struma 5 years before her death and received l-thyroxine sodium. She was admitted to the hospital becaused of hepatosphlenomegaly and ascites. Laparatomy was carried out and suspected of nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver (NRHL) by percutaneous needel biopsie speciment, and she died 8th month later.<BR>Autopsy revealed ascites (4000ml) and chronic congestive sphlenomegaly (400g). The liver weighted 1000g and showed irregulatity and nodularity of the lobular architecture on serial sections. Microscopical examination showed that this nodularity was due to liver cell proliferation. The nodules were small, less than an anatomic lobule in size, and presented throughout the liver. The reticulum fibres around the nodules showed condensation becaused of atrophy of parenchyma and compression. New collagen was not formed about the nodules. The condition was identical to NRLH defined and named by Steiner in 1959.<BR>Liver function tests were normal in this case, and main consequence of the liver lesion was portal hypertension.<BR>Although many different extrahepatic diseases have been associated with NRHL, there was no report of NRHL in Hashimoto's struma.
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