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An effective therapy for unresectable liver cancer has not yet established. Intermittent hepatic artery occlusion and intraarterial infusion chemotherapy is a method in which insertion and immobilization of a double lumen balloon catheter into artery supplying the tumor is accomplished, and ligation of the arterial collateral circulation to the liver is achieved at laparotomy, and by inflating the balloon postoperatively, occulusion of the hepatic artery is performed frequently for a predetermined time.<BR>The injection of carcinostatic agents is done by continuous administration by means of chronofuser connected to the catheter in combination with one shot injection at the time of blood flow occlusion.<BR>This paper describes a technique of intermittent hepatic artery occlusion and the course of one autopsied case which died 18 months postoperatively, with some considerations of the problems in the interruption of the hepatic artery for unresectable liver cancer.
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