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The critical rotating speed for suspending solid particles in a three-phase (gasliquid-solid) stirred vessel was investigated experimentally at relatively low gas sparging rate. A flat-bottom cylindrical vessel with four baffles and six-blade Rushton disk turbines of various diameters were used as a stirred vessel and impellers. The critical rotating speed was determined by measuring the apparent electrical conductivity at the tank bottom. The critical rotating speed data for the case with no aeration and solid-liquid mixing were well correlated by Zwietering's method modified for the clearance between the bottom and the impeller. The power requirement for gas-liquidsolid mixing agreed with the equation of Nagata et al for gas-liquid mixing. The ratio of critical rotating speed in gas-liquid-solid mixing to that in liquid-solid mixing (<I>n<SUB>c</SUB></I>/<I>n<SUB>co</SUB></I>) was well correlated by Nagata's parameter. As the result of the correlation an empirical equation for a wider range of impeller diameter and clearance between the bottom and the impeller was obtained.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
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