音の長短の弁別課題に及ぼす香りの効果 : 香り提示終了直後の作業について
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Psychological effects of two kinds of scents were investigated on a discrimination task. Twenty undergraduates, involving 7 male students, were assigned into four scent groups of 5 subjects in each. Olfactory stimuli were scents, Lemon and Rose, and each of which had different concentrations. Either of the scent stimuli or pure air delivered to a subjects nostril for 30 sec just before the task. During the task section, either of the longer (450 msec) or the shorter (300 msec) 1, 000 Hz pure-tone signal was presented randomly twenty times with an interval of 3 sec. The subjects were required to press a key when they found the shorter tone. This task section was repeated three times that forms one block; one session a day consisted of five blocks. All the subjects participated in the experiment of three sessions over three days in total. Among five blocks, the control stimulus of pure air was delivered in the first, third, and fifth block, and in others one of the scent stimuli delivered. Subjects performances were assessed by measuring reaction times to the tone signal and number of response errors. In addition, measurement of heart-rate and ratings of mood were taken throughout the 5 experimental blocks. The results indicated that the scent stimuli with a higher concentration could improve the performance accuracy: the less number of error. This effect appeared to be larger in the Rose group than in the Lemon. In the second block, both kinds of scent with the higher concentrations produced larger changes on ratings of mood than with lower concentrations. It seemed that such effects of the scents on mood were different from those on the task performance.
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