Asymptotic completeness for three-body Schrödinger operators with short-range interactions
- Distribution of Eigenvalues Near the Boundary of Essential Spectrum (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)
- Scattering by Magnetic Fields at Large Separation
- Scattering Theory for $N$-Particle Systems with Stark Effect : Asymptotic Completeness
- Comparison of formazan production in supravital histochemical reaction for dehydrogenases in inner ear hair cells with that in the reaction on cryostat sections
- Asymptotic distribution of negative eigen values for two dimensional Pauli operators with spherically symmetric magnetic fields
- The asymptotic formulas for the number of bound states in the strong coupling limit
- Resolvent estimates at low frequencies and limiting amplitude principle for acoustic propagators
- On the decay of local energy for wave equations with time-dependent potentials
- Asymptotic completeness for three-body Schrödinger operators with short-range interactions
- Spectral analysis for N-particle systems with Stark effect : non-existence of bound states and principle of limiting absorption
- Asymptotic behavior of scattering amplitudes in magnetic fields at large separation
- Magnetic scattering at low energy in two dimensions
- Error bounds on exponential product formulas for Schrodinger operators
- Asymptotic completeness for long-range many-particle systems with Stark effect
- Asymptotic Completeness for Four-Body Schrodinger Operators with Short-Range Interactions