Measurement and Calculation of Neutron Leakage through Labyrinth from 35 MeV Proton Accelerator Room
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Energy spectra and dose equivalents of neutrons which were produced by 35 MeV protons in an accelerator room and leaked through a labyrinth with three legs from it, were measured by a multi-moderator spectrometer and a dose-equivalent counter.<BR>Two simple formulas developed by Tesch and Nakamura & Uwamino, were compared with the measured values in order to examine their adaptability.<BR>Two new simple formulas were also developed to calculate the dose equivalent both in the source room and in the labyrinth.The first simple formula, ROLA-D, is based on Nakamura & Uwaminos formula and Goebels universal attenuation curve.The second simple formula, ROLA-E, which is based on Shins two analytical formulas, can calculate the neutron energy spectrum in addition to the dose equivalent.<BR>Four simple formulas were intercompared with the measurements and the calculations by the three-dimensional Monte Carlo code, MORSE-CG.<BR>Consequently, it was clarified that ROLA-D gave the best result for the dose equivalent of neutrons leaked through a labyrinth.
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