On the germ fields of stationary Gaussian processes with Markovian property
- Stochastic Resonance in the Hodgkin-Huxley Network
- Time Series Analysis with Wavelet Coefficients
- Automatic seismic wave arrival detection and picking with stationary analysis : Application of the KM_2O-Langevin equations
- On the theory of KM_2O-Langevin equations for non-stationary and degenerate flows
- On non-linear filtering problems for discrete time stochastic processes
- The theory of KM_2-O-Langevin equations and its applications to data analysis (III) : Deterministic analysis
- Application of the theory of KM_2O-Langevin equations to the non-linear prediction problem for the one- dimensional strictly stationary time series Dedicated to Professor Kiyoshi Ito on his seventy-seven birthday
- The theory of KM_2O-Langevin equations and applications to data analysis (II) : Causal analysis (I)
- On the exponential decay of the correlation functions for KMO-Langevin equations
- On the germ fields of stationary Gaussian processes with Markovian property
- On the theory of KM_2O-Lagnevin equations for stationary flows (1):characterization theorem
- Application of the theory of KM_2O-Langevin equations to the linear prediction problem for the multi-dimensional weakly stationary time series
- Stochastic Resonance in the Hodgkin-Huxley Network