Investigation of Effective Inelastic Cross Section for Fast Reactor Compositions
TONE Tatsuzo
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Design study of swimming pool type tokamak reactor (SPTR).
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Heavy-Water Homogeneous Two-Region System
- Investigation of Effective Inelastic Cross Section for Fast Reactor Compositions
- Number of Resonances to be Adopted for Obtaining Practically Reliable Cross Section Curves
- Accuracy of Analytical Treatments for Resonance Absorption in Doppler Resonance Regions
- Effects of toroidal field ripple on the loss of energetic injected ions and toroidal coil configuration in a tokamak reactor.
- Effect of Resonance Scattering of Sodium on Resonance Absorption of U-238
- On Elastic Removal Cross Sections of Light and Medium Elements near Sodium Resonance
- A Note on Treatments of Sodium Void Reactivity Effects in a Large Fast Reactor
- Higher Order Perturbation Method in Reactor Calculation
- Effects of particle confinement and recycling on thermally stable regions in D-T tokamak plasma.
- Effects of Fission Products on Physical Quantities Accompanying Burn-Up of Large Pu-U Fast Reactors
- Effect of 1/E Spectrum on Effective Self-Shielding Factor of U-238 Absorption near Na Resonance
- A Note on the Heterogeneity Effect of Sodium Scattering Resonance on Neutron Spectrum