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Magnetic abrasive polishing process experimentally tried to finish the mold surface. Magnetic abrasives are playing a very important role in this process. SiC whisker-Fe magnetic abrasive was newly fabricated by Mechanical Alloying (MA) method. This study ails to investigate the fabrication process of the MA magnetic abrasives and its finishing properties. SiC whisker-Fe magnetic abrasive by MA was superior to SIC powder-Fe, NbC powder-Fe, dia. ond-Fe or Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> powder-Fe magnetic abrasives in its gringability.<BR>The as machined surface roughness value of 2.5, μm Rmax or 0.2μm Ra decreases to the finished value of 0.2μm Rmax or 0.06μm Ra respectively using 6.5 vol.% SIC whisker-Fe magnetic abrasive for 10hr of milling ti.e. Fabrication process of magnetic abrasive by MA will be hopeful for final finishing abrasives of magnetic polishing of mold surface. In order to obtain the higher efficiency magnetic abrasive, it is nesessary to investigate the influence of finishing conditions and other kinds of abrasives-Fe system magnetic abrasives in more detail.
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