Aphasic Therapy with Fitting SSP Electrode:Concerning the Phonological Production
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According to many reports, the human phonological perception ability is acquired by transfering practical articulatory movements to an inner psychological level. Although this concept is of great importance, its application to aphasic therapy has not been sufficiently studied.In this study. we fitted a silver spike point (SSP) to 8 aphasics to investigate whether or not it can restore articulatory motor sensation and the ability for phonological production. And we followed one case using the experimental design based on this method.The results are summarized as follows.(1) The phonological test scores with SSP increased significantly more than without SSP. The conduction and jargon type patients showed higher rates in comparison with the other two types.(2) The subject who went through this experiment showed some signs of language improvement. His total score on Standard Language Test of Aphasia (SLTA) increased by 40 per cent over his starting baseline.Our research indicated that SSP can be used as an effective rehabilitation aid for the phonological improvement in aphasics.
徳田 紘一
道関 京子
道関 京子
大木 泰子
板本 真貴子
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- Aphasic Therapy with Fitting SSP Electrode:Concerning the Phonological Production