耳鼻咽喉科悪性腫瘍に関する研究 : 第2編 耳鼻咽喉科悪性腫瘍に於ける治療術式と治療成績との関係に就いて
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The relation between the methods and the results of treatment on the patients of malignant tumor experienced frow 1946 to 1956 at the Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Yokohama University, School of Medicine, About the laryngeal cancers surgical as well as isotope treat-ment schowed good results in 85% of cases. Therefore the surgical treatment has same signifi for these diseases as the irradiation treatment does. About the maxillary malignant tumors, I beliene that, as far as the surgical treatment is concerned, it is the most effective to make the resection as sufficient as possible, but it is also necessary to make the irradiation treatment as deep as possible. About the pharyngeal malignant tumors, as far as my data are concerned, the application of the surgical and irradiation treatment at the same time schowed the most effective results Above all, the neck dissection for lymph nodes has also an important significance for the malignant tumor in the regirn of ear, nose and throat.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文