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Parotid tumors obtained at surgery were electronmicroscopically observed. Specimens were fixed with 4% glutaraldehyde and 2% osmium tetroxide, buffered with PH= 7. 2 cacodylate solutions. After dehydration through ethanol series, these were embedded in Epon 812 and cut in ultra-thin sections. These sections were stained with uranlyl acetate and lead citrate. The results were as follows; 1) Pleomorphic adenoma consisted of tubular portion, solid portion and others. Tumor cells of tubular portion were composed of bssal cell, spinosum cell and columnar cell. In the cytoplasma of columnar cells fine filaments increased markedly in numbea. In tumor cells of solid portion intracytoplasmic filaments and other organelles were unremarkable. Numerous myoepithelial-like cells were found in chondroid and myxoid regions. 2) Histological observations on adenoid cystic carcinoma were characterized by cystic spaces. These spaces were coated by undulatedly thickened basement membrane and filled with fine filaments and amorphous substances. Tumor cells and myoepithelial-like cells were observed in the vicinity of the cystic spaces. Some intercellular canaliculi were found. 3) Mucoepidermoid tumor consisted of goblet-like mucous cells, epidermoid cells and basal cells. Perichromatin in nuclei and tonofilament in the cytoplasma of basal cells were prominent. 4) Adenolymphoma consisted of epithelial and lymphoid components.. Epithelial cells contained numersus mitochondria. These cells were similar with oncocytes. Amorphous materials and lymphocytes were found in the cyst. Small lymphoocytes in lymphoid portions increased markedly in number. It is not determine at present whether these lymphocytes are neoplastic or not.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文