炭酸ガスレーザー照射による組織表面構造の変化 : 走査電子顕微鏡による観察
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the changes of surface structure on soft tissue induced by COQ laser irradiation. The tongue of mongrel dogs was used as the test tissue and the laser beam was applied to the tissue at a right angle. The morphological changes were studied with a scanning electron microscope. The results were as follows.1) The immediate changes induced by a fixed irradiation of COs laser were characterized by u tissue defect like - crater.2) The changes on mucosal surface extending peripherally from the crater edge to the normal area could be graded into three degrees.3) The immediate effects induced by COs laser irradiation were the heat effects, which consisted of the two factors, that is, the phvsio-mechanical and the physio-chemical factor.The former was represented in the area of the grade three change and the latter was observed in the area of grade two and one changes.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文