Development of Combination Neutron Desemeter Based on Track Detectors.
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The combination neutron dosemeter based on track detection using allyl diglycol carbonate plastic was developed. As the fast neutron detector the conventional track detector was used.For the thermal neutron detection Al-3% Li alloy was applied as a charged particle radiator.For the intermediate neutron detection Al-3% Li alloy was also used as the radiator and the detection element was covered by a polyethylene plate including 25% boron of 1cm thickness which was applied for improving the dose-equivalent response over the wide neutron energy range. The response of the combination dosemeter was almost flat within the error of ±50% except the under response in the energy range of 3keV-30keV with the intermediate neutron detector and the over response in the energy range of 30keV-200keV with the fast neutron detector.
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