- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was done in a series of 113 cases for which surgical hemostasis had been required because of massive postoperative bleeding after 11, 319 operations for benign anal diseases during the last 10 years. <BR>The causes and management of such kind of bleeding were evaluated. Ninety-five patients were male and 18 were female. Bleeding was seen before the 4 th postoperative day in 21 cases and after 4 th postoperative day in 92 cases. Twelve patients had underlying diseases causing bleeding. There was no relationship between postoperative bleeding and the age of patients. <BR>Following the hemorrhoidectomies, bleeding was often seen at pedicles which had been high-ligated. The surface of the wound was a common site of bleeding after operations of fistula-in-ano. <BR>The following points should be paid attention to prevent the postoperative bleeding ; 1) Hematological examination must be done preoperatively to detect bleeding tendency. 2) Oral mucosa of the pile should be properly pulled into the drum of Barron's ligator for rubber ring ligation of hemorrhoids. 3) The mechanical irritation of stool should be kept minimized during defecation.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
瀧上 隆夫
竹馬 浩
中谷 紳
友近 浩
場田 浩二
瀧上 隆夫
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