Monoclonal antibodies raised against human colon carcinoma.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Monoclonal antibodies were raised with two colon carcinoma cell lines (HT-29 and SW 620). 4 cell fusions with splenic cells of mouse immunized by either HT-29 or SW620 and mouse myeloma cells resulted in 77 hydridomas actively secreting antibody to either HT-29 or SW620. By PA hemadsorption assay, 43 of these 77 hybridomas showed no cross reaction with two melanoma cell lines. 8 clones producing monoclonal antibodies were obtained after cloning and 5 clones (T4, T14, T28, T30, H1) were selected for subsequent studies. Immunoglobulin class of these 5 monoclonal antibodies was IgG. All 5 monoclonal antibodies showed no reactivity with A, B and H antigens on erythrocytes. After heat treatment of colon cancer cells, T14 and H1 lost their reactivity. All 5 monoclonal antibodies did not show any decrease of reactivity after neuramidase treatment. By using 40 different cancer cell lines and 4 normal cell lines, T14 and H1 were shown to be directed mainly against all colon cancer cell lines. T28 and T30 were positive in 4 and 3 of colon cancer cell lines, respectively and showed relative minor cross reactivity with other tumor cell lines.
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- "Double" cancer of the large intestine and other organs.
- Monoclonal antibodies raised against human colon carcinoma.