Experimental study of growth and progression of infiltrative ulcerative colon cancer.
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A study was performed to investigate the incipient phase and the growth pattern of infiltrative ulcerative colon cancer in dogs following induction with N-ethyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG). Infiltrative ulcerative cancer was followed from an early stage by sequential endoscopic examination. Histological investigation of the incipient phase was also done. Endoscopically, the incipient phase was first detected as redness and erosion, followed by a II a like small protrusion. As the protrusion grew, a central depression appeared, which then developed into infiltrative ulcerative cancer. Histologically, the cancer was found to invade into the submucosa through gaps in the muscularis mucosa. The results of this study revealed that cancer invaded and proliferated in the submucosa and that subsequently, as the cancer grew, it pushed the surface mucosa upward to form a tumor-like protrusion into the colonic lumen, finally forming an ulcer at the center of the protrusion.
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- Experimental study of growth and progression of infiltrative ulcerative colon cancer.