Study on the treatment of colorectal cancer showing submucosal invasion.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Between 1968 and 1986, 71 cases of colorectal cancer showing submucosal invasion were experienced.<BR>These 71 cases could be divided into 3 groups ; (I) resection (34 cases), (II) resection after polypectomy (24 cases), (III) polypectomy only (13 cases).<BR>Morphologically the tumors could be classified into 5 types ; type I p (pedunculated), type I s (sessile), type II a. (elevated), type II a+ II c (elevated with depression) and type if c (depres-sive).<BR>In group (II), there were no residual cancer cells or lymph node involvement with the exception of 4 piecemeal polypectomized cases.<BR>From consideration of morphology, size and pathology, the indication for polypectomy and/or surgical treatment was decided.<BR>Types for which polypectomy was indicated were (a) type I p (well differentiated adenocarcinoma) and (b) type I s and type IIa (well differentiated adenocarcinoma less than 20 mm in size).
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
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- Study on the treatment of colorectal cancer showing submucosal invasion.