Studies on tissue CEA and nuclear DNA contents in colorectal carcinoma and its transitional and background mucosa.
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Tissue CEA and nuclear DNA contents of colorectal carcinoma and its transitional (within 4cm from carcinoma) and background (more than 6cm apart from carcinoma) mucosa were measured in 45 patients with colorectal carcinoma. Controls were 9 autopsied cases died of benign diseases outside of the colon and rectum, and 7 patients who had undergone endoscopic biopsy of colonic mucosa and had had no diseases.<BR>Forty-one out of 45 patients with colorectal carcinoma had highly differentiated adenocarcinoma. There was no dysplasia under light-microscopic examination in the transitional or background mucosa of patients.<BR>Tissue CEA of normal colonic mucosa was 103.4±49.8ng/g. Tissue CEA of transitional mucosa was significantly higher than that of the background mucosa. Both transitional and background mucosa had significantly higher contents of tissue CEA than in the controls.<BR>Analysis of nuclear DNA histogram disclosed that appearance of over-3c cells in superficial layers of the crypt was characteristic of the mucosa of patients with colorectal carcinoma, thus suggesting that there was certain changes of cell kinetics in both transitional and background mucosa of cancer patients.<BR>There was no significant differences of tissue CEA or nuclear DNA contents between cancer tissue, transitional mucosa, or background mucosa of patients with solitary colorectal carcinoma and those of patients with multiple carcinoma or solitary lesion accompanied by adenomas. Tissue CEA and nuclear DNA contents of flat mucosa oral to carcinoma did not differ from those of flat mucosa anal to carcinoma.<BR>It was disclosed from the present studies that there was a certain biological changes in the transitional as well as background mucosa of patients with colorectal carcinoma and that there were no differences of biological behaviors between solitary colorectal carcinoma and multiple colorectal carcinoma or solitary colorectal carcinoma accompanied by adenomas.
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- Studies on tissue CEA and nuclear DNA contents in colorectal carcinoma and its transitional and background mucosa.