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New suture and ligation treatment (compression therapy) was developed in our hospital for the treatment of internal haemorrhoids and the 100 cases have been treated since May 1978 to August 1980.<BR>The theory of the method is that the blood vessels in the rectum are running longitudinally, so that, when a haemorrhoid is multiply tied in horizontal position, i. e., parallel to the pectinate line, the ligation of the vessels is effective and the internal haemorrhoid becomes atrophied due to obstruction of the circulation and finally slougshs off. No drugs are needed.<BR>The operative procedures are that the patient lies in Sim's position, the anus is relaxed and dilated with local anesthesia. Allis' clamp is used to catch the outer third of the internal haemorrhoid. Around needle holder threaded with silk is passed from the right side at the base of the internal haemorrhoid to the left, the silk is pulled through the haemorrhoid and a tight knot is made over the surface of the mucous membrane.<BR>With the above-mentioned method, 2 silk ligatures are applied for a small haemorrhoid, 3 to 4 ligatures are applied for a larger haemorrhoid.<BR>The procedure is simple, less painful, and with good results. Ninty one cases were followed up from 2 months to two years, with 90 cases cured and 9 cases improved, with curing rate of 99 %.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文