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Two types of microelectroporation capillaries (two-electrode and three-electrode poration capillaries) for injection of genes or drugs into single cells were fabricated and their performance was investigated using Fe(CN)63- as a model substance. The two-electrode poration capillary consisted of a glass capillary with a sputtered Pt film at the outside and a Pt microwire at the inside. The three-electrode poration capillary possesses another Ag/AgCl microelectrode in the capillary. When an electric pulse was applied between the Pt film and Pt wire of the two-electrode capillary (Pt film positive, Pt wire negative), Fe(CN)63- dissolved in the solution inside the capillary was released by electromigration. The amount of the released Fe(CN)63- can be controlled by adjusting the magnitude and period of the pulse. We applied the two-electrode poration capillary to inject Fe(CN)63- into a single protoplast. The application of a electric pulse brought about a reversible membrane breakdown to form small pores in the membrane and simultaneously repelled Fe(CN)63- from the capillary by electromigration. The injection of Fe(CN)63- into the protoplast was confirmed by detecting the reduction current of Fe(CN)63- at an ultramicrodisk electrode inserted into the cell. In the three-electrode poration system, we applied two consecutive pulses for reversible membrane breakdown and for electromigration. The three-poration capillary was found to be effective for injection of charged substances.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
末永 智一
東北大学 大学院環境科学研究科
斉木 博
内田 勇
東北大学 大学院工学研究科
松本 伯夫
電力中央研 環境科研
末永 智一
内田 勇
斉木 博
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