Kinetics of Nucleic DNA content of Medial Smooth Muscle Cell in Thoracic Aorta of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
Hasegawa Motoharu
Central Clinical Labolatory, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University
Saito Mitsuyo
Central Clinical Labolatory, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University
- The transition of the medial acid mucopolysaccharides value in the thoracic aorta of SHRSP with aging
- The transition of the medial smooth muscle cell fiber in the thoracic aorta of SHRSP with aging
- Determination of Aortic Medial Tissue Glycoprotein (GP) in Stroke-Prone Hypertensive Rats
- Determination of Aortic Medial Tissue Elastin and Collagen in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Kinetics of Nucleic DNA content of Medial Smooth Muscle Cell in Thoracic Aorta of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats