Phenylacetateの作用に対するCholineの増強作用 (第4報) : ―各種標本における増強作用―
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In previous papers, the potentiating effect of choline to the contractile action of phenylacetate was found on the isolated guinea-pig ileum. In this paper, this potentiating effect was examined on other isolated preparations, such as other each part of gut, vas deferens and taenia coli of guinea-pig, uterus and stomach fundus of rat and frog rectus. It was showed that phenylacetate with choline were able to produce the contractile responses on all these preparations on which ACh had responses, and then the blood depressor action in dog which seemed ACh-like response. It was supposed that the mechanism of responses produced by phenylacetate with choline might be the formation of ACh or releasing ACh. These phenomena were named Acetate-Choline coupling (Ac-Ch coupling) responses.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
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