A Study of DDS in hyperthermia: inductive heating with use of dextran magnetite(DM).:inductive heating with use of dextran magnetite(DM)
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The concept of "intracellular hyperthermia" is local inductive heating of cancer cells after administration of submicron particles producing magnetic excitation, These particles were taken in the cancer cells intracellularly by phagocytosis, resulting in selective destruction of cancer cells with little effect on normal cells and tissues. We examined effects of intracellular hyperthermia on Meth-A, AH60C and VX-2 tumor cells and a phagocytosis of DM in various tumor cells. Dextran magnetite was used as the submicron particle. DM particles are not simple mixture of dextran and ferrate but submicron complex. The heating unit was a 7 kW generator of 500 kHz with a pancake type coil creating electromagnetic field. DM particles were injected in animals with tumor cells intraperitoneally or intratumorously. These animals were exposed to the external inductive field for 20 min. at a temperature of more than 43°C. The phagocytosis of tumor cells was examined microscopically. DM particles were taken intracellularly in tumor cells at 24 hours after administration. The survival rate of rats and mice and the inhibition for growth of VX-2 tumor were most evident in the each groups of 2 times of hyperthermia. DM particles were very promising in inductive heating of 500 kHz.
- 日本DDS学会の論文
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