最近の高速炉用金属材料の研究開発の動向 (原子力材料<特集>)
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Together with an explanation about the present situation of those developing projects being progressed positively in each country, the irradiation behavior, the important subject in developing researching of stainless steel and nickel alloy high-lighted as the fast breeder reactor has been described in this paper. Furthermore, mechanical properties, creep characteristics under irradiation, swelling phenomenon, considered as problems in material engineering, and also theoretical analysis concerning microstructure and irradiation are explaind hereunder with the estimation.The material development for the fast breeder reactor has a direct connection with the completion of a nuclear fusion reactor in coming century and as far as development of atomic power material goes, no advancement can be made without solution of the problem in this field.
- 大同特殊鋼株式会社の論文
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- 214 ステンレス鋼のクリープ破断におよぼすα線照射の効果(ステンレス鋼・高温強度, 加工・性質・分析・計測, 日本鉄鋼協会第 80 回(秋季)講演大会講演)
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- 高速増殖炉用燃料被覆管のクリープ特性について
- 最近の高速炉用金属材料の研究開発の動向 (原子力材料)