Prediction of Response to Selection Based on BLUP of Breeding Values by Expected Response to Family Index Selection Supporting Pig Selection Program
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Real response to selection based on animal model BLUP of breeding values was evaluated using the data generated by Monte Carlo computer simulation supporting closed herd breeding in pigs. The real response was predicted by theoretically expected response to family index selection on the same data structure as the data generated by the simulation. Two closed breeding herds of 10 sires and 100dams, and 100 sires and 1, 000 dams were simulated assuming non overlapping generations. A two-trait selection was assumed. Heritabilities of traits were assigned as either 0.1 or 0.5 and genetic correlation between them was assumed to be either 0.0 or 0.5.Relative economic weights were varied.Expected aggregate breeding value, E (ΔH), was calculated using selection index with information on the candidates full and half sibs found in F-1 generation, the candidates parents, and their full and half sibs found in generation F-2, and all ancestral information in generation F-1 dating back to generation F-5. The candidate for selection was found in the current generation F-0. Average of aggregate breeding value [R (ΔH)] of selected animals in the last generation over replicates from simulation data was used as the basis for comparison of estimation of genetic response using selection index with family information. Average of R (ΔH) was close to E (ΔH) in all combinations of genetic parameters in a large population. Maximum E (ΔH) and R (ΔH) was essentially obtained using information on animals from F-0 to F-3. Selection index with family information is useful to predict the genetic response when the selection based on BLUP of breeding values are carried out in a closed herd of pigs.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
Satoh Masahiro
National Inst. Of Livestock And Grassland Sci. Tsukuba Jpn
Hicks Chindo
National Institute Of Animal Industry
National Institute of Animal Industry
National Institute of Animal Industry
Satoh Masahiro
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
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