合成女性ホルモンが雄雛に及ぼす影響 : 特に分注処理の効果について
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The aim of these studies is to prove the practical effect of diethylstilbestrol (DESE) on cockerels to be raised as broilers. Nowadays, in Japan, cockerels are generally raised as broilers. In the case of White Leghorns, feed utility decreases extremely after 90 days of age. From an economical point of view DESE should be administered at the possible earliest period after birth. The authors examined effects of several combinations of injection times as well as one-time administration of whole dose. The resultsobtained are summarized as follows.1) The proper time of injection in White Leg horns was between 50 and 55 days of age (Tables 3 and 4). The younger a cockerel, the more divided dosage was effective for growth.2) The weight ratio increased in the liver and decreased in the heart and testicles, as was the case in the previous experiment. The more times the dosage of DESE was divided the longer the testicles remained in the juvenile state. But the injection car ried out too many times needed much time and caused lots of shock in chickens. The suitable number of times of injection was at most two.3) Quantity of meat was rather increased by injection, with no significant difference among the methods of treatment. The breast muscle increased as a result of injection, but the thigh muscle rather decreased.4) Little difference was found in meat Composi tion between the injected and untreated control birds. There was a great deal of fat deposition in the in jected cockerels.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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