アメリカ黒人作家ライトとアフリカ : ライトのアフリカ素描 Black Power を中心として
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What is Africa to the Negro in America? Needless to say, Africa is their homeland from which their ancestors were brought to the New World as slaves under duress. Therefore, none can deny the fact that American negroes and black Africans are real blood brothers. Then, can we find any common racial characteristics between them?To discuss this matter, the writer has attempted to make a special study of Wrights African sketches, Black Power. It seemed that Wright made up his mind to pay his first visit to the Gold Coast in West Africa with a view to getting a firm grasp of the relation between the Negroes in America and the Blacks in Africa.In the United States, it is said that the deepest meaning of the problems of the Negro lies in the psychological distance that separates two races-Whites and Blacks. The writer, however, wonders if there exists such psychological distance as separates American negroes from Africans.Concerning this point, the writer wants to point out the following fact. On setting foot on African soil, Wright came across the faces whose reactions were riddles to him and immediately he found out that Africans were more alien to him than white Americans. Such being the case, the result of Wrights fact-finding travel in Africa seemed to fall short of our expectations.This may be a very delicate and difficult matter to deal with, but the writer has tried to enumerate facts from Wrights works in illustration of this problem. It is highly regrettable that his first home-coming seemed to yield but a sorry crop in spite of his desperate efforts.By the way, if Wright were still alive and active in writing, and if he were to see newly-reborn Africa with his own eyes, what would he say? This is the very point that the writer is anxious to know.
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